Best Practice Group

It’s the first time really, we’ve sat down and discussed, everything we’ve discussed today as Director Sydney a team. We’ve found massive benefit to that…. our team leaders were able to give me feedback…the idea of having posters and plaques on their walls with the tools for leadership and effective leadership…having our MVV actually on the wall of our guy’s offices is something that I’m going to start to implement.… Continue Reading

Today’s been great for our team. We found out that we get into such detailed conversations, cause everything we’ve spoken about is really (an) open discussion around our strengths, weaknesses and just looking at different elements of the business.… Continue Reading

It felt really good to put it out there and know that I’ve got that goal to aim towards and that I need to be more confident in myself and go ok this is what I want, this is what I’m going to achieve.… Continue Reading

We all agreed that there’s some areas for us to focus on and… narrowed the focus a lot in the last couple of days where we went from a hundred different things down to 10 and then with us being more of a team than being the individuals and SWOT analysis was really quite…enlightening from that point of view.… Continue Reading